2018 Partnership projects

Murphy 130, after
Murphy 130, after
Murphy 130, before
Murphy 130, before
Murphy 130, before
Murphy 130, before
CSOM 1-147, before
CSOM 1-147, before
CSOM 1-147, in progress
CSOM 1-147, in progress
CSOM 1-149, before
CSOM 1-149, before
CSOM 1-149, in progress
CSOM 1-149, in progress
Andrew Boss Lab 125
Andrew Boss Lab 125

OCM partnered with departments on several projects in 2018:

  • Murphy Hall 130 - furniture, finishes, and technology were updated to coincide with renaming of the Hubbard School of Journalism.  Completed March 2018.
  • Carlson School 1-147 and 1-149 - rooms were reconfigured and updated as pilot spaces, with the intent of adding more active learning strategies into CSOM's curriculum.  Completed Summer 2018.
  • OCM decommissioned Rapson Hall 31, Appleby Hall 321, and Nolte Center 20, and transferred them for use by other departments.  Completed in May 2018.
  • OCM worked with the Food Science department to add power outlets to a portion of student tables in Andrew Boss Lab 125.  Completed over Summer 2018.

Project Phase: