2013 Classroom Technology Renewal

Instructor station
Instructor station

As part of the OCM's commitment to providing instructional technology in general purpose classrooms, OCM updated classroom equipment in more than 60 rooms. The project intends to minimize breakdowns and maintain the functionality of the classroom's technology system.

Improvements include: wide-screen video projectors, HDMI input cables, and class capture output connections. Each of the classrooms received a general tune-up of all related technology components and several classrooms had upgraded system control panels installed. 

East Bank
Akerman – all rooms
Amundson B75
Armory 116
Elliott N119, N647
Ford Hall B29, 110, 130, 150
Keller 3-115, 3-230
Mechanical Engineering 108 & 212
MCBB 2-120, 2-122
Nolte 140
Peik 215, 315
Rapson 31, 43, 45, 54, 56, 58

West Bank
Anderson Hall 210, 230, 330
CSOM – 5 lower level classrooms
Humphrey 15, 35, 60

St. Paul
Alderman 415
Borlaug 335, 365 (update instructor station and include document camera, microphone and other equipment enhancements)
Green 110
McNeal Hall 33
Ruttan B22, B26, B30, B42

The technology update project started in May 2013 and was completed in October 2013.


Project Phase: