Bruininks Active Learning Classroom Update

Current install in Bruininks 330, demonstrating expected upgrades to student tables.
Current install in Bruininks 330, demonstrating expected upgrades to student tables.
Current install in Bruininks 330, demonstrating expected upgrades to student tables.
Current install in Bruininks 330, demonstrating expected upgrades to student tables.

As part of the larger technology renewal planned for summer 2018, the active learning classrooms in Bruininks Hall will be undergoing some specific upgrades to match what is already in place in both rooms 312 and 330.

Those classrooms are 131A, 131B, 412, 420A, 420B, 432*, 512A, 512B, 530A, & 530B.

Student Tables

The biggest change will happen at the student tables, where the middle triangle currently in place with 3 VGA connections will be removed and replaced by a single HDMI connection with a Mini DisplayPort adapter, low profile speakers, and new microphones.

Instructor Pedestal

  • USB-C cable added as an available connection

  • New instructor touch panel

  • Additional power outlets on the front of the pedestal


Updated student displays to improved picture quality and size.

Project Phase: